Student Profiles

Dhanushka Kodikara
What are you studying at ACBT?
Currently following bachelor of Business, double major in international business and marketing.
What are your hobbies?
Getting motivated everyday
Setting new targets in life
Lifting big at the gym
Learning on how to achieve greatness.
Are you currently working? If yes, how would you balance work and studies?
Yes, currently working as the manager sports and recreation at ACBT. It’s all a mind game. If I want to achieve something in life, I need to work it out every day all day. I always have my priorities right. I do not believe in luck or talent I only believe in hard work. Never will ever give excuses if I want to achieve my targets in a given time period. World is mine so I will work hard as I can to achieve all what I have dreamt of.
Plans for the future?
Finish my specialized MBA Program
Be a quality entrepreneur with a 6 figure income per month.
Be a person who bring positive influence to people’s lives.
Be a person who can motivate other individuals to do better.
Powerlifting plans would be to compete for 2020 Olympics.
How the studies at ACBT have helped you?
It has helped me to be a very confident individual to face the corporate world in any circumstances. I am always prepared to face any exam as ACBT has provided me with the best knowledge possible with amazing lecturers around me.
Favorite thing about studying at ACBT?
Everything is convenient. Study guides and lecture notes are always provided for the convenience of students. It also has a friendly environment where anyone can come and blend in and create a better community.
How would you describe this institution to someone who is visiting for the first time?
Best place to get your secondary education with no regrets at the end of the day. If you need to do the best you have to be with the best and get trained by the best. ACBT as an education institute has been consistent due to their quality output of students to the corporate world.

Azeem Adahan
What are you studying at ACBT?
I’m studying Bachelor of Computer Science (Major in Software Engineering)
What are your hobbies?
My hobbies are Travelling, watching sports channels like wrestling, cricket etc.
Are you currently working? If yes, how would you balance work and studies?
No, I’m fully concentrating on my studies at the moment.
Plans for the future?
My objective is to complete my studies and become a fully pledge professional in the IT business.
How the studies at ACBT have helped you?
The studies have tremendously helped me to upgrade my knowledge that has benefited me in numerous ways to acquire inputs in all aspects of IT Education.
Favorite thing about studying at ACBT?
Studying at ACBT is an opportunity for students like us to enjoy the studies and take care in extracurricular activities, the lecturers are very friendly with students and the surrounding classrooms are very admirable.
How would you describe this institution to someone who is visiting for the first time?
I will advise a newcomer that ACBT is a knowledge bank on all educations like Business Studies, IT and Engineering. The atmosphere inside ACBT is no other than our home; the staff working at ACBT is highly respected and helpful to the students to achieve their objectives from day one. The building consists with all the requirements that a student require to carry on their day to day studies without any interruptions.

Madhushiya Nadeson
What are you studying at ACBT?
I completed by Double Major in Marketing and Management in June 2015.
What are your hobbies?
I enjoy reading books and article that interest and inspire me, spending time with friends and of course music. Bit of travelling whenever I can.
Are you currently working? If yes, how would you balance work and studies?
Yes I am. Work while I work, study while I study and sleep when I sleep?
I make sure NEVER to miss my sleep. When I study I give it my 100% even if time is limited compared to those days of only studying and not working. Sure it’s difficult to balance it out, but it all comes down to my priorities and what I truly want. Sacrifices happen during the process and I’d like to believe and remind myself all the time “suffer now and enjoy later, than vice versa”. And when I get my free time, I do make it a point to enjoy. So I guess it all comes down to balance?
Plans for the future?
To NOT settle down for anything that may seem comfortable!!!!! :D
I’m planning on starting MBA soon and complete the remaining few units in ACCA as well. Meanwhile, I also plan on staying fit and happy. Maybe a bit of Yoga and lots of travelling is in my plan.
How the studies at ACBT have helped you?
Final year I would say was the most challenging and productive year at ACBT for me. Not only did I learn a lot of things academically, but it also played a significant role in helping me identify myself and to actually think about my goals and interests. In addition, the lecturers were beyond helpful and amazing at what they were doing. Group work/individual assignments, reports and presentations allowed me to follow a more practical approach to my studies than just reading books and/or listening to the lecturers and then only go home to forget everything.
Favorite thing about studying at ACBT?
Friends & Memories made.
How would you describe this institution to someone who is visiting for the first time?
Nice place! Make use of it.
However, I believe end of the day it all comes down to the person despite how amazing any place could be? Only if you allow yourself to enjoy every bit it gives you and use what it provides in the right way will you get a more true experience out of it. I did and I could have enjoyed better. Maybe you should give yourself and the place a better chance?

Sanjeev Thanabalasingham
What are you studying at ACBT?
Diploma of Science (Engineering Studies)
What are your hobbies?
I love Dancing and spend time in Gym.
Are you currently working? If yes, how would you balance work and studies?
NO, currently I am not working. But I would like to work while studying and face a bit of challenge in my life.
Plans for the future?
As I have mentioned earlier engineering is what I like so, I would like to complete my studies and be an Electrical engineer.
How the studies at ACBT have helped you?
It has encourage me to improve my study skills and by giving them compelling reason why it’s worth my time and effort.
Favorite thing about studying at ACBT?
Freedom, lecturers and friendly environment is something I really like about ACBT.
How would you describe this institution to someone who is visiting for the first time?
It doesn't matter who you are or what things you want to try while at ACBT, you will always find people who will support you.

Vidusha Randika Jayasinghe
What are you studying at ACBT?
I am currently a third year student doing Bachelor of Business Marketing and Management.
What are your hobbies?
I am in to sports, so my main hobby is playing cricket and also I love to watch movies when I get free time.
Are you currently working? If yes, how would you balance work and studies?
No. I am not occupied at the moment but I used to play cricket in club level and also I represent ACBT cricket team and I got appointed as the cricket captain in previous semester. When I first joined in, it was a big challenge for me to balance both studies and cricket in an equal basis but still I was able to manage both effectively.
Plans for the future?
After the degree program I have a plan to do my Masters program in Australia and also I would like to play club cricket in Australia while doing my Masters.
How the studies at ACBT have helped you?
Studying at ACBT helped me to improve myself in several ways. During these 3 important years, as a student I learned many things that are related to business management and marketing areas and also the study sessions made it really easy for me to improve my English knowledge as well. The practical study sessions in class like presentations, debates helped me to improve my public speaking skills.
Favorite thing about studying at ACBT?
For me there are two favorite things I really admire, friends and the cricket team. And also have to mention about lecturers who are very friendly and supportive.
How would you describe this institution to someone who is visiting for the first time?
As a current student I highly recommend ACBT as one of the best universities for students who are planning to do their further studies right after O/L’s or A/L’s. The university atmosphere is really friendly and also the lecturers and the study programs are really good. And this will give an opportunity for students to get exposed to diversify environment.

Chanuka Prabudha
What are you studying at ACBT?
I am currently studying bachelor of business majoring in Management and Marketing.
What are your hobbies?
I would like to watch movies, Play pool with friends, and travel.
Are you currently working? If yes, how would you balance work and studies?
Yes, it’s all about what you do and how you do. I think it is a challenge but it is not hard. You have to have a priority list with you. And especially ‘time management’ is something very important to balance whatever you do and also for your success.
Plans for the future?
I want to complete my master program successfully.
How the studies at ACBT have helped you?
Because of the exposure I get through all the subjects, it made me very confident to face the corporate world.
Favorite thing about studying at ACBT?
Flexible time schedule, Friendly environment and student friendly lecturers.
How would you describe this institution to someone who is visiting for the first time?
It is a great choice for you to do your higher education as well as to pursue your passion while you are studying.

Vijay Anbalan
What are you studying at ACBT?
I’m doing my Master of Business Administration at ACBT.
What are your hobbies?
I’m a huge sports buff. So when I do get some time off I try to sneak in as much as possible, both playing and watching on TV.
Are you currently working? If yes, how would you balance work and studies?
I am currently working in our family business. I also recently got married, so it’s pivotal I balance work, studies and my personal life. So far I’ve managed to integrate all three aspects together. I try to implement what I learn in class at the work place and gain practical knowledge, as well as prepare for my classes by reading out the lecture notes to my wife and picking her brain on the topic. Luckily she finds business interesting and loves to be a part of these discussions.
Plans for the future?
The main reason for doing this MBA was to help me in taking our family business to the next level. We are an import and export company dealing primarily in agricultural commodities. We are currently only focused on the wholesale market, and I want to reach out to the retail sector as well. With the knowledge I gain from this program I hope to make this happen very soon.
How the studies at ACBT have helped you?
This is my second semester at ACBT. The overall course structure has really helped me in working towards obtaining my degree. Lecture timings are excellent since I am working full time. The flexibility of the course has been fantastic as well, whether it comes to selecting subjects or choosing to skip a semester and get back on the course cycle. I’d have to say this has really given me the courage to take on the program although I have a full work schedule and home to manage.
Favorite thing about studying at ACBT?
Top favorite thing would have to be the faculty! They are wonderful, always willing to help, even with the most minor queries and extremely efficient at covering course material on time.
How would you describe this institution to someone who is visiting for the first time?
ACBT is a great institute to be a part of, not just for learning. It is the perfect place to meet other driven working professionals who are all aiming towards a common goal of taking their current careers to the next level. The atmosphere is filled with positive energy, both from the faculty and student body.
This will constantly remind you why you chose this fantastic institute as the perfect one for you.